荒野乱斗黑鸦台词一览 黑鸦语音内容是什么 这是英文版台词内容:  -Start Let's settle this beef. I smell a rat. D...

荒野乱斗黑鸦台词一览 黑鸦语音内容是什么



Let's settle this beef.

I smell a rat.

Don't mess with my crow!

-Get hit 受到攻击


Wow wow wow.

I'm walking here.

Get out of here.

You're looking at me?

Hey,watch out!


Hey ,you clip me!


Nice peace of work!

Sleeping with the fishes.

I always give my mock!


I'm the boss of bosses!

Talk is cheap.


Caw, caw! 乌鸦的叫声

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